Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Thanksgiving Eve

It is a warm night in Gasperini-Ville thanks to the chill in the air, the glow from the lights in our home, and the joy on the faces of the boys who play within.

They roll around with Daddy in the distance.

GG worked through the day today, but was able to get home a little early which is so nice. We sat together and had "breakfast for dinner" a little while ago--something easy to whip up and clean up so as to let Mommy get to Thanksgiving preparations.

I admit, I'm not doing much--just a fruit tray and cornbread casserole. In case you're looking for a last-minute and delicious recipe to enhance your feast, I'll post the casserole recipe below. It is sweet and very much like a creamy cornbread. My mouth is watering just thinking of it!! Can you tell why I repeatedly offered to bring it? Can't wait to feast!

At dinner tonight, we had a "Who wants to eat _______ tomorrow?" and all in favor said, "ME!!" with raised hands. It was adorable to see the boys and their different likes and dislikes emerge. Apparently, M has decided he's going to eat turkey this year--we'll believe it when we see it. We all are in favor of the aforementioned corn casserole, rolls and butter, salad, and pumpkin pie. As for ham, stuffing, and green beans... well, some of us are in and the rest are out. I think Baby J is in for everything. The kid eats more than the others combined and still is in the 25th percentile for weight. I told the doc it must be due to his hollow leg!! He is an eating champ!

We head over to Mimi and Papa's in the morning for a festive time with family; of course with thoughts of our dear ones who are far away and not able to be with us. Happy Thanksgiving and blessings to you all for a wonderful holiday! God bless and go eat! :)

Cornbread Casserole
1 stick butter
2 beaten eggs
1 8oz. sour cream (can be lowfat)
1 can whole kernel corn, drained
1 can creamed corn
salt and pepper
1 small box Jiffy cornbread mix

Melt butter. Combine with beaten eggs and all other ingredients and mix well. Pour into 1 and 1/2 quart casserole dish. Bake 45-55 minutes @ 350F.


FL G and P said...

One delicious recipe tying us together...Virginia to Georgia to Ohio to Pennsylvania and beyond, we give thanks for our dear loved ones.

Donna said...

Happy Thanksgiving to Gasperini-ville! I am going to try this recipe- I think my somewhat picky eaters will like it!

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