Tuesday, September 14, 2010

T-Bone to School!

That's right.
T started preschool this week!
And as far as I know, he likes it!!
But don't take me at my word too closely because I've gotten very little information back from the primary source...
Whenever I ask T questions, I mostly get, "Nothing" as the answer.

Oh Lord.
Isn't that nice? This is how it really makes me feel ;O!!! Ahhh!!!

Mimi has already warned me, though, not to let on that this bothers me or else it will be used against me in the future and then I will really get nothing!! lol. So I've been coyly collecting information since then (through brotherly conversation, from random tidbits in the car, etc.) And I've discovered the following: 1) T likes his teacher, 2) he plays with a boy, Symeon, on the playground, 3) they play rocket ship and go to outer space, 4) there's a timeout chair, 5) Annabelle has been to the timeout chair (lol) :)

Cheers to a new school year, my wonderful T, and MG, my girl who will (hopefully) someday divulge everything and make her mother very happy! :)

Less confident in this last pic as he's ready to go inside the classroom! :)

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