One of our professional hospital shots--amazing, huh?
Hello, hello!
Yes, we are still here and still breathing... coming up for air every so often! lol. ;)
I have thought of you all often, thinking "Gosh, I need to post on the blog..." only to be pulled away by someone and some other need.
I will not lie: 4 is BUSY!!!!!
Many needs and requests, many mouths, many tummies...
Not to mention, yesterday we had a fussy baby who was clearly uncomfortable and unable to sleep for long periods unless she was in my arms. Must have been something I ate Sunday. I was strapped!! I wish I had a camera to show you how gross I looked by the end of the day--stretched out nightshirt, sweatpants, circles under my eyes, frenzied hair... We would have all had a good laugh. And then to show you the chaotic house... Ahh! :) [By the grace of God, though, we had dinner provided by one of the amazing women from one of my moms' groups. They have been an absolute godsend and I haven't cooked since MG arrived!!]
By early evening we had our sweet baby back and she slept great last night. Right now she's pulling a consistent 5-6 hour stretch in the earlier part of the night, followed by two 3-hour stretches. What I'm hoping is that she'll continue to extend the early part until we reach 12 hours!!! Let's hope! :)
I definitely can't complain about her sleeping, its just this mama can't get her tush in bed to take advantage of the earlier hours! There is just too much to do and prepare for the next day. Oh and I do like to hang out with GG too. He's a pretty great guy. ;)
Every day when he comes home from work its as if Gasperini-Ville cumulatively takes one large deep breath. He really gives us all our second wind and we love him for it. Especially since the poor guy has then been working 'round the clock on projects. What a trooper! Love you, babe! Thank goodness you don't have to feed the baby too! lol.
So that's the report from our little corner.
We are in love with our little girl and in gratitude to you all for your support during this time of transition. Even with messes and craziness, we are blessed beyond measure...

Hey B
when baby is fussy, try Gripe Water from Whole Foods it works amazingly and it is all natural! Found this treasure with my third baby and have been using it ever since...i have even used it on myself and it works like a charm. Just be sure to get the all natural one at whole foods, not the little tummies one from CVS. I am so happy to see you adjusting to four...it does get easier :)
Hi B-
I'm just so glad to read this update!
Your little is PRECIOUS.... LOVE that photo!
Looking forward to meeting the sweetie when I move down!
btw, love love love the pic!!
Hey Bethany! Your family is so very sweet and it sounds like things are going great with the new addition! I can't imagine trying to take care of 3 other little ones plus a new baby-what a feat of mothering!
Maybe our little ones will cross path at a future reunions especially since they are so close in age!
Great photo!
Glad to see you're keeping your sense of humor too. In my opinion, that's key at this stage in the game! I chuckled at your hair comment.
I'll never forget Brian lovingly asking me after Grady was born, "So, when's the last time you brushed your hair"? We just cracked up laughing! And I think it was probably a couple of more days before I actually did brush it ! :)
Love you B!
love the pic...very precious:) looking forward to many more!
Great Pic B! Hang in there...you're doing great. The house (and showering) can wait! Just enjoy those munchkins of yours!!
What a great post! Get your rest mama. You need it!
Just stopped in...love all the updates, and LOVE LOVE LOVE the picture with this post! Glad to hear all is going well! Hugs!
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