Hope you all have had a GREAT start to your week...
We are here and well, hunkering down over the past couple of days and letting our little MG have some peaceful, restful time. It is serving her well.
You could say we saw a few of her "stripes" this weekend... I am partially to blame in consuming a record amount of caffeine on Friday along with a curry chicken dinner. Whoops. Our little girl was less than comfortable later that evening/morning when GG and I paid for my misstep trying to quell our restless babe. Talk about feeling tired on Saturday!!
Thankfully, we had reason to be more peppy due to a visit from "Aunt J", one of our besties from college, and her beau, A. Such fun. What a relaxing time we had chatting with them in the shade while drinking lemonade. :) Thanks for tolerating beach traffic to spend time with us, J and A. We loved seeing you!
Since then, we've been laying low and finding our norm. What we thought might be potential colic was really just an overtired MG--nothing a little swaddle and shushing couldn't handle. It's also helped that mama has laid off the caffeine just a bit. Ahhh vices. :) She and I are finding our zen with nursing and her cheeks seem to be plumping by the day--don't you think?

Our little squish face and her daddy. GG notes that she seems to recognize his voice, but with more wide-eyed curiosity since she doesn't hear it often. Daddy's girl, for sure.
Lastly, I should document how completely devoted M is to his little sister. On Sunday morning, M asked me rather maturely, "Mommy, how did MG sleep last night?" and then later at bedtime he assured, "Mommy, if you need anything, like if MG starts to vomit or cry a lot, you just come and get me and I'll come and help you and Daddy out... (repeated over and over again about 5x)" Too cute!!
Be well!
Passing on the love,

M is so sweet, and I love seeing the updates about your weekend and all the fun people (including you, Auntie J!) who are getting to meet MG. I can't wait to meet her myself!
Just beautiful! Love M's devotion to his sister, too:)
Aww, she definitely looks like she's in love with GG!
And I'm in love with her hair...I can't get over it! ha!
I've forgotten a lot of the newborn stage as I was a nutcase with Grady...so I'm putting these tidbits back in my brain (swaddle, shushing, less caffeine...)for Lil Bitsy's arrival in Nov.
Oh my, i love M's comments-- what a sweet big brother!
I am all too familiar with the sleepless night-need caffeine--baby fussy cycle right now! Jamesie has had a tough go of it these last three months, despite attempted changes in my diet. But, the last week or two have been bliss thanks to some Baby Whisperer (bought in desperation) and baby Zantac we picked up at the doc last week. Its made all the difference in the world. MG does look beautiful with her pudgy cheeks!
I wish we could be more of a help way up here in the north. How many outfit changes does little MG have a day at this point? Thanks for the words of encouragement about the house- you guys are the masters of renovation these days, so I take it as a great compliment. Thinking of you all...
Loved the pics and the update. Maybe drink a glass of wine next time to get the baby sleeping better, haha! That works like a charm over here.
And I think you might be breaking blog rules to put Mac's photo up! Shame on you. I won't tell...provided they make a trip up here soon. (I hope you are reading this J', yes that's blackmail!)
Ah!:) I can't help what B' does on her blog Red...tee-hee.:) I probably won't tell him though...lol.:)LOVE the pic's...she seems more happy after some sleep!!!:)
bethany, we've been keeping a close eye on your growing family--thanks for sharing! little mg is a doll, as are all your boys. i would love for our little girls to meet some day, especially since they share the same fashion sense. lucy has the same little green daisy outfit compliments of her aunt brookie! as always, glad you are well. perhaps our paths will cross at some future reunion. blessings!
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