We had the privilege of taking our sweet one to the botanical gardens on Wednesday. It was her local debut! She handled it with much grace and poise, sleeping throughout and even eating amidst the shade while mom and dad sat on a bench and brothers played in the sand. It is a beautiful set of gardens and has the most wonderful children's area--a splash park, craft center, shady sand box, gardening spot, etc. The boys have taken to it and I can foresee many-a-morning spent there while MG and I sit... How lovely!
We said farewell to my parents this morning (sniff, sniff!!) and couldn't quite convince them to stay another couple of weeks! What fun its been having them here--the boys have reveled in their presence and with our third floor guest quarters, we hardly knew they were here! My mom cooked and cleaned and both parents cared and loved on the boys. My dad did some yard work for us and moved a sprinkler to boot... Can you tell why we were so sorry to see them go? Not to mention we just love having them around and spending time together. LOVE YOU, Gramz and Pappy, and THANK YOU for everything! :) Come back soon, okay?!
Next week starts Phase 2 of our MG transition. GG heads back to work and I will be the full force mama! Praise God for meals starting from friends and the help of Mimi and Papa in the area. All will be well... all will be well.
God bless,

All WILL be well, B-mama! You're an amazing Mama and I know all of those friends from your baby shower are eager to help you out in any way they can. So...let them!
Granted, there will be an adjustment period, so give yourself some slack and ease into it all.
is she perfect or what??!
I'll pray that you are gentle with yourself and that the transition is smooth! Pretty soon it will feel like you've been doing this all of your life!
Oh, and I had this wild dream the other night that I just showed up at your house with friends for a visit right after MG was born...
Maybe I'm subconsciously dying to get to meet the little lady!! Actually, I am.... and can't wait to see you again too!
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