Tonight when dropping M off at a birthday party, I threw the rest of the kids in the car in a flurry. We had to get there and not forever-and-a-day late! I put our first post-partum home-cooked meal in the oven and away we went!!
Thankfully the party was close by and when we arrived, I parked the car, put the windows down and ran M to the backyard. We weren't too late. This was an awesome party--a petting zoo, pony rides... Hello!? The mother was very gracious and welcomed us, saying that if I wanted to bring the other kids around, I should feel free. How sweet! I knew they would be in heaven--yellow chicks, soft bunnies, goats, a llama... It was too good to be true. Survival mommy wanted to run back to the car, put the keys in the ignition and high-tail it home. Good mommy argued this was too good of an opportunity for kid fun to pass up.
Can you guess which mommy won?
Out came all four kids:
*Baby G was screaming since the car had stopped and she was hungry!
*MG was a picture of filth--she had colored on her arms and hands in two different colored markers earlier. I had wiped her down, but the marker had gotten on her clothes and there were still remnants on her skin. Her hair was a mess. Lovely.
*J only had one shoe! Thanks be to God, he left his church shoes in the car and we used those. Oh yeah, and he was wearing his pajamas... from the night before. Never had a reason to change.
*and T, well, T was his usual, helpful, awesome self, pleading for me to let him pet the animals. How could I say "no"?
*I should throw in that I was in running shorts and a hole-y T-shirt that the baby had spit-up on earlier.
We were the picture of health and organization. lol.
Thankfully, we're not a flashy sort. The kids enjoyed the animals and we piled back in the car, leaving M to have fun at the birthday party.
As we drove home, it seemed like all had turned out well until...
I remembered about the chicken in the oven. doh!
We. are. never. leaving. the. house. again...
at. least. not. for. a. very. long. time. :)

LOL!!!!! Was the chicken edible? If there was no firetruck in front of your home I'd say everything was A-OK!!!
you are SPOT ON, FL M!
Ha! B-mama is human afterall! Great story:)
Thanks for keeping it real!! My favorite part is that J only had one shoe!
Love y'all!
Carolina Girl ~ To add to your comment, I loved that J ended up wearing his church shoes with his pajamas to the petting zoo.
I gotta tell you - I like reading this kind of stuff. It's funny, it's real and it makes me feel better about the happenings around here. ;-)
Go G-ville!
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