One of the busy events of late was bigger brother T's preschool graduation. He had an all-star year and couldn't be more excited to start kindergarten. Gramz and Pappy stayed to help round out the cheering section, which was a good thing because T surprised us with a solo part saying the Pledge of Allegiance. He did a fantastic job and was very articulate. So proud of my big boy.
At four weeks, our sweetie Baby G is doing well. We're working out our kinks, she and I. I've come to realize that we're not the best nursing team as of yet. She's been taking in a lot of air with her latch, which means I have to work extra hard to burp her during and after the feeding. I've been trying to tweak the latch, to no avail, so I think as of right now we'll go with it and hope it improves as she grows.
Since coming to this realization, I've been burping her more and she's been so much more comfortable and has been giving me some nice sleep stretches at night. The longest so far has been 6 hours and we'll take it!! I've also been starting sleep training during the day and she's done brilliantly. The more babies I have, the more I'm convinced that even young babies can be taught to put themselves to sleep and take LESS time to learn it than older babes. If I can train them young, we're golden; baby G is getting close!! As long as she's not uncomfortable with air, she's a sleeping gem!! As I type, she's down for her morning nap, having put herself to sleep about an hour after waking to eat this morning. Any longer and I would have had to "help" more in the falling-to-sleep process.
Since my parents left a week ago, I admit she has done a little more crying. That's life with 5 kids. Mom's not always available immediately. She'll be better for it and more resilient, right? :)
So that's our life in a nutshell. We're not doing too much on other fronts; just having some quality home time. I had ambitions to take the youngest four to the children's museum yesterday to get out of the house while our cleaning team was here. Well, we made it as far as lunch at the bagel shop, where MG began melting and the baby was taking forever to eat (I had thankfully pumped her a bottle!!), so I scrapped all plans and put everyone in the car. We drove around for a bit and the middles fell asleep. I then treated T to an ice cream cone because he didn't get to have an adventure. What a good guy. Love that boy!
Happy Friday to you all!
God bless,

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