We've had everything from my grandmother's deteriorating health and end-of-life care issues to my sister's fourth miscarriage and a potential molar pregnancy which was ruled out (so sad, yet she has been such a champ through it all) to my parents' house going under contract to G Baby's birth...
Add onto that GG's own family drama--his parents' dog tearing his ACL while his parents were out of the country to now...
Our little Baby G getting RSV.
Welcome G-Ville family drama!
She started in with a cold last Thursday. My immediate response was a relaxed one--it was her second cold of life and brother and sister had had it last week. Something about this one, though, gave me pause. I voiced my concerns to a friend on the phone that day. It was a mother's intuition, indeed. Friday the cold escalated and her cough set in. I began to fear she had whooping cough (a neighbor's daughter had come down with it). We thankfully made it through the weekend when I finally broke down and took her to our local kid clinic on Sunday. She had 100% oxygen saturation (perfect), no fever, and no wheezing. I thought we were clear.
Until they came back with the results from her nasal swab---positive for RSV.
I will admit, my immediate reaction was--hooray, no whooping cough! But then the reality of RSV took hold. It is a common cold for adults, but can be deadly in young babies. Especially really little ones only 4 weeks of age!! My poor little baby G.
They sent us home empty-handed because at the time everything seemed pretty calm, despite her coughing episodes (that they didn't observe at the clinic). I didn't feel right about it all and Sunday night proved tumultuous and sleepless. The coughing fits sent us to the bathroom to fire up the shower to create a home "sauna" and help open her airways. It worked temporarily, but I could tell she was pretty uncomfortable. We all didn't get much sleep.
I got her in to see the pediatrician on Monday and our appointment proved alarming. The doc was very concerned over Baby G's current state and the possible progression of the illness. She put her on breathing treatments and assured me that she thought we could work through this together as a team. Great. I did NOT feel very confident heading home. In fact, I almost lost it a few times at the doc. Scary stuff. I was supposed to call back at 4pm that day with a report and monitor breathing patterns to be sure she wasn't going into respiratory distress throughout the day.
Monday was a LONG day. Baby G seemed to be sleeping well (which was a saving grace), but had a hard time falling asleep while so uncomfortable. We made it to the afternoon and past breathing treatment #2, when my friend Christy called and offered her daughter's pulse ox to measure oxygen saturation in the blood. Woo hoo! Medical equipment in the house!! The initial readings were 94%--not great and on the cusp of needing hospital help. Thankfully, though, my nurse practitioner friend just happened to be bringing a meal to us that night and promised to check out G while she was here. What a relief!
The second breathing treatment must have been taking root--Megan took one look at G, who was sleeping, and confirmed that she looked really good. Hallelujah! To top it off, we took ox sats again and they registered at 98. What a relief for this mama! I had a LOT of internal anxiety to start unloading!!
We were back at the doc this morning for a follow-up and she was very much encouraged by Baby G's progress. In the end, we seem to have dodged a bullet with a milder case of the virus. My little girl has been such a champ... and has started smiling in the midst, believe it or not. We had seen hints before now, but over the weekend she started flashing her sweetness. So cute!!
Here's a shot from this afternoon that I absolutely love. J is such a big boy, MG is her sweet, happy self, and little G seems to be enjoying being part of the crew! Thank you, dear Lord, for these precious children and for the gift of health! We are so relieved and grateful...
And to all my FB peeps who have already been praying, THANK YOU!

Oh B, I hope you too are sleeping better now that Baby G seems to be healing. Prayers that she keeps up the smiles and good levels. You G's are a tough group. Like nails. Hoping peace settles in for your whole extended family soon...
Oh B! I am so relieved to read that Baby G is on the mend. Thank the Lord and the power of prayer! I hope she continues to improve and her smiles keep coming more frequently. I love the picture of your three youngest. J looks so much like M and MG is getting too big. Baby G is lucky to be surrounding by so many loving hands. I will say a prayer for your whole family as they continue to heal. Hugs!
Wow...you guys have been through the ringer for sure. I hope and pray June is a lot less eventful for your entire family (extended too!) So glad to read that the breathing treatments are working. Hope you guys can catch up on some sleep as she continues to get better. Hang in there mama! Love the picture...J is getting so big! What a good big bro with his 2 little sisters!
Thank God things seem to be improving! Prayers for baby G's continued progress. And I hope things improve for your family as well. Hugs!
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