Our Hero-Turned-Injured-Warrior
The Battle? Walking to school can be rather perilous when turning and waving to your younger sister!
The Wound? A fractured pinky; yep, all that cast to immobilize the baby finger!
The Culprits? A guilty mom and dad, who thought our hero was being dramatic until we noticed the swelling and bruising persisting almost a week later! Yikes!
The Reward? An awesome blue cast (mom distracted him from his initial choice of neon yellow :); a McD's ice cream cone--all good patients get one; and lots of attention when we got home and surely tomorrow at school.
Cheers to G-Ville's first broken bone. At least we are all in positive spirits tonight! :)

What a hero!! Poor guy!!
Oh my!! That is a large cast! He will definitely be the talk of his class tomorrow.
Yikes! Before I read the post and just saw the picture I thought he broke his hand or several fingers. Glad it's just his pinky. I always thought it would be cool to have a cast. Guess he'll get lots of attention!
Wow. Big cast. With all those boys, a broken pinky is a good introduction to ortho docs ;-) Hope he feels better soon!
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