He is Risen, Alleluia, Alleluia!
A blessed Easter to you from the G family...
Our adventures started with a Thursday evening visit from my sister, her boys, and Gramz and Pappy on their way up from spring break in Florida. My sisters' boys, A and A, are so dear and *love* the little ones in our family (M and T too!) I caught a few pics Thurs. night of bedtime stories...

We finished the night with birthday cake at the home. My Great Aunt Elva also celebrated her 94th birthday!

MG was hamming
and mostly just loving being spoiled by her cousins.
We left Friday and headed up to PA, stopping to see my G-ma at the rehab facility when we arrived.
Poor MG was a bit overwhelmed, which explains the tears here.
Saturday we celebrated the birthday with a dinner out... Along with one of the twins saving MG from running into a busy street (start the contractions now!) Whew!
The grand children and spouses with my grandparents
The great grandchildren--7 boys and 1 girl!
My sister's family, ours, and my cousin's all celebrated Mass on Easter Sunday. What joy to be together during the Liturgy. Here is our special lady getting ready for the Easter egg hunt back at the rehab. home...
M was still a'hunting even with his cast!
The Witmer clan
As always, it was bittersweet to say goodbye. We don't get to see my sister and family often enough, despite how swimmingly we all get along. Definitely need to get them down here to meet baby G!!
And speaking of the wee babe, all is well on the prego front. I hit the month-to-go mark yesterday and couldn't be more excited. Numerous contractions on the way home told me I needed a good night's rest last night, which I fortunately got. Today has proven to be a nice, relaxing day at home. The boys are on spring break this week, so we're taking it easy and enjoying time with one another...
7 loads of laundry down and counting. ;)
God bless,

You truly have a beautiful family! I love all your little guys in their ties for easter. I look forward to some little boy ties in our henry's future! Can't believe you only have a month left until baby G makes her arrival! Other people's pregnancies go by so much faster than my own! Ha. I look forward to hearing all about her delivery soon!
What a wonderful family weekend! Such love in those pics! You all look great!
Also, Maggie has the same outfit that MG has (blue and white striped with chartreuse pants). They would really look like sisters if we got them together in matching outfits!
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