Had a "mommy morning" and indulged in swim and coffee at the Y this morning... all while the kids were in child watch. Bliss!
I had my 36-week check yesterday and am thrilled to be entering the weekly appointment phase of the pregnancy. Yes! We're finally getting somewhere... :)
My doc was on vacation, so I met with another gentleman in the practice and he was really nice. Overall, my stats were good and baby G seems to be hanging out, doing well. No labor action on the horizon, which is wonderful.
BP: 120/80
Weight gain: +3 (total 29--funny enough, I'm up only 4 in the last 6 weeks! I thank Easter candy for the little extra this time around. Sadly, the sugar consumption continues. I need to be careful! :)
Dilation: NADA, nothing, zilch, zero. I thought I was naturally around 1 cm thanks to lots of babies, but apparently not. The doc confirmed that the baby would probably not be coming before 37 weeks. Tell me something I don't know! :) All my babies have been a day or two late, so I'm thinking little G will follow suit.
Thankfully I'm feeling well, so all is well. My prenatal vitamin is doing awesome things this time around. In the past I was never good about taking it toward the end and am thinking I was probably really anemic before each delivery. I know, I know--bad mama! I'm hoping boosting my iron this time around will continue to provide lots of energy!! :) That and plenty of naps too! ;)

We are so anxious to meet Baby G but are willing to
wait 26 days. You look great B-Mama!
Thanks, Mama G! As always, I'm indebted to you all for your love and support. You are awesome!! :)
Looking good B-mama!! Great stats too! I know BP is always something you have to watch.
About the pigtails...I bought some Goody brand little girl elastics at Target. They only had a multi-pak so I have itty bitty ones, medium, and large ones. I had hoped to find just the itty bitty ones. I think there was a spot for them at Target, but they were out of them the day I was shopping.
M had a little tude about the whole thing as well. I decided that I just needed to do it to get her used to it. So, I strapped her in her high chair and occupied her hands with snacks and went to work. She did reach up a few times, but after a few minutes, she gave up and focused on the food. And surprisingly, she left them alone once they were in place. Good luck1
I love the comment "indulged in swim...". I'd be dying in that pool (and obviously not pregnant, at that)!! You look soooo good!
you seriously look wonderful!!
Yay! So glad you're doing well and feeling well enough to continue exercise! I got so many funny looks and comments from others at the gym during my last weeks of pregnancy. The exercise just made me feel so good and I'm convinced it's the secret to staying upbeat at the end of pregnancy :) Plus, I wanted to just savor those last few workouts at the gym, where I could drop my kids off at childcare and just enjoy the time to myself. I can't go back until Kellen is 6 mos old and I just HATE having to try and sneak a workout in sometime during the day while I'm home with the kids!
Enjoy these last few weeks of being pregnant! I'm so excited for you to meet your newest family member! Having a new baby around is THE BEST!!
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