The boys and Papa, ready to see the 3D Mummy show at the art museum!
It is truly lovely when weekends happen without a whole lot going on our little world. We've had quite a few of these lately, which has been just the ticket to relaxation. Next Saturday all of that will change with the start of soccer for M and T... Until then, though, we're reveling in the hum-drum of wonderful weekend life. It is good for me--I'm definitely finding myself slowing down a bit, but still trying to keep up with my busy family!
Sunday status:
*Mass and Children's Liturgy teaching accomplished,
*M and T off to the art museum to see a mummy exhibition with Mim/Pop,
*eggs and veggie scramble in belly,
*MG down for a nap...
Soon it's off to the grocery store to stock up for my meals for the week. Have I told you how much my weekly meal plan saves me?? I have been meal-planning since back in our Army days, inspired by my friend, Sarah! Thank you, Sarah!! It is a godsend of organization.
Add to that my newest love of Pinterest!!! and I am inspired to try some new creations for our family. I have them organized on boards and will continue to experiment with new recipes that all look AMAZING! We've tried a few and they've been really good... Love Pinterest. If you're not on, let me know and I'll invite you. We can be Pinterest friends. ;)
M and T should be arriving back soon and will immerse in Legos and Ninjago and whatever else they have stored up in their little brains. M and I will tackle piano, commencing practice for the week. It is my least favorite day for piano because it is always the most challenging for him and most trying for mama's patience. Good things come to those who practice. And they do. Come Tuesday, he's golden, but Sunday... well, Sunday is another story that we just have to get through.
My reward is later tonight GG and I are going out on a long-standing date with friends of ours from church. They are wonderful and we so enjoy communing with them... sharing faith and family and life, in general. It promises to be a wonderful evening--invigorating for our marriage, for sure.
So that's that in the Sunday world of the G's. I promise to get a prego pic up here soon. Trust me, my belly is nicely round. I think I'm bigger than I have been in the past, but it's hard to tell. I think I just always feel big at this time. Doc says I'm measuring right on and my blood pressure and weight are good. I head in every other week to appointments now, so I'll be back again next week.
God bless you all as you enjoy this Lord's Day,

This made me think of you after reading about your weekly meal plans - and to top it off, I found it on Pinterest! :)
Oooh, VAsquared--looks awesome! I'm totally tempted, especially to stock up on ingredients on sale (like chicken) and others at Costco that can go bad in bulk and start cooking and freezing! Good pre-baby planning! :) Thanks!
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