If all goes well, I have only 5 doc appointments to go after today. That's two more 2-weekers and then 3 one-weekers to the due date. Woo hoo!! Cheers to crossing weeks off our list and getting this baby cooked... I will say, it is amazing how much longer a pregnancy feels the fifth go 'round. GG and I agree this one has felt the longest yet! While we know it's going to be more challenging once the baby is here, I think there is a big part of us that just wants to get 'er done. We know what's coming; we know we can survive it; so let's just do it, already.
I know I'll be singing a different tune in the midst of our baby moon, but I know we'll be fine.
By the grace of our good Lord, though, the baby is healthy and happy, cooking away with delight in my tummy. I will endure all the daily hardships knowing she is going to be strong and lively upon entering the world, sweet angel girl #2!!
Biggest complaints as of 32 weeks: varicosities (I'll leave it that), energy (though a recommitment to my prenatal vitamin has helped a good bit), belly starting to get in the way of life (what can anyone do about this? DEAL!)
BP: 117/74
Weight gain: 26 lbs (+1 from the last appt.; I'm hoping this is a sign things are slowing down on that front; don't tell the doc I ate Chik-fil-A for lunch and then pizza for dinner--yikes! :)
Fundal height (measure of uterus): 31cm (should be 1cm/week) we're a little small, but within the standard deviation
Exercise: spinning on Monday (still can reach the handlebars), swimming tomorrow, elliptical Thurs., spin on Fri (depending on energy levels!)
Head is down, baby is active, heartbeat is strong...
Keep on, keepin' on,

You leave me in awe with your energy, not only running after your current four, but WHILE you're pregnant, and exercising to boot!
Also, where's a belly pic?!
Can't wait to meet you Baby G! You've got an awesome mama!!
So glad to hear she's doing well in there!! You are an amazing, strong, mama!!!!
You're such a pro! Glad to hear things are going so well!!
I am feeling your "already now" loud and clear and can't say I blame you bit. You carry so gracefully though. Hang in there, enjoy the pizza, and before long the women will begin regaining power in your household!
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