I've yet to be able to volunteer for any of M's field trips since he started elementary school last year. It is the blessing and curse of being a mama hen with little chickadees in tow. Today, though, (thanks to docent Mimi taking the littlest two on a "Mimi adventure" to the art museum) I was able to accompany M's class to a local farm set in the 1860's. What a fun leap back into history...

Gray-hatted M taking in the horse. See if you can spot him in the rest of the photos...
M and I were buddies the whole time--how I love being able to love on him one-on-one. We both enjoyed the animals the most and got a kick out of a sheep rubbing his bum on the fence. (How old am I? :) Never too old to have a good laugh! Mama even got to hold a baby lamb. I figure I've got a baby in belly, why not a baby in arms too?! What a joy to hold that sweet little angel.

Mama in my own personal heaven. Why did none of the other mothers volunteer?? Oh well, more lamb for me!

M and his classmates got to see a corn shucker in action, old farmhouse and well, participate in coffee grinding and an old-fashioned fire drill... It was all too cute. We both had a great time!
Blessings from our farm to yours,

TOO cute!
So awesome that you were able to go on this field trip with M! I know it was a special time for you both. BTW, he's getting sooo tall!
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