Saturday, December 3, 2011

Just the Goodness

The great news is that my bag arrived two days late with the camera inside.
I was on my way to Bible study and really mulling over the issue with God, trying to see all of the good lessons He was teaching me... when I received a quick text from GG about the "good news" about the status of my bag. Thank you, dear Lord! By the time I returned home, there it sat on our front porch, it's inside contents askew but with everything still there. I still can't believe it!

Here is a smattering of a few of my favorite photos...

Among the highlights were...

*visiting St. Peter's, the scavi underground, seeing the pope, and attending Mass and reconciliation there. This was beyond special!

*the quiet meals spent with my GG, eating delicious food and just being together--it's been awhile since we've done this with any sort of frequency. Have I mentioned how much I love gnocchi? And gelato? Ask GG sometime about our 30E gelato experience. It was delicious, but...! ;)

*seeing Uncle C and meeting his Vicenza life and friends. He was a wonderful host and has a beautiful place in the heart of the city. Thanksgiving spent with his crew was such a treat.

*taking in the beautiful Renaissance art. I read Michaelangelo and The Pope's Ceiling by Ross King before/during the trip and was completely taken with the politics and history happening in 1500. The Academia and Uffizi Galleries in Florence whet our appetites for Raphael's Vatican rooms and the Sistine Chapel in Rome. The masters did not disappoint in the slightest! Just amazing.

*the weather seriously couldn't have been better. 50/60's and sunny, anyone? In late November? This was unheard of!

*getting mistaken as an Italian/European a few times--people approached us to ask us questions as if we were local! "Solo ingles" was my pieced together response. 7.5 years of Spanish helps un pocito. I'm convinced it was the black puffy coat I bought at the Gap last year for a steal! Totally Euro! lol.

All in all, it was an awesome trip. We had a blast. Icing on the cake was an Air France flight from Paris to JFK on an AirBus, where we had menus, drinks, personal TV's and movies, music, and foot rests while sitting in coach, mind you! Ha! It was the perfect ending to a fantastic trip. (The fact that they're the ones who screwed up the bags, well, that's for another story!)

The smiling faces greeting us when we arrived home were about the best welcome home gift we could have ever hoped for. Can't believe all the good blessings in our life.

Happy Advent from G-Ville,


Teacher-Mom said...

What a relief! I'm so glad to read that your bags arrived and all the contents were included. It sounds and looks like you had a great trip. I'm glad that you were able to take advantage of such an amazing opportunity!

Carol said...

I have been daydreaming about a trip just like yours ever since you posted that you were going... Oh the lightness you must have felt seeing such sights sans diaper bags, strollers, sippy cups, books, toys etc! So happy for you both and thanks for sharing the photos. Tonight we drank wine from a box, but one day soon, ahhhhh, to be in Rome.

Queen B said...

Hallelujah! I am breathing a sigh of relief with you, B, just knowing how consumed I would have been by that temporary loss. God has His ways with us, doesn't He? Love your pics and highlights. What a trip!

OH M said...

Right away Dad said you looked so European with that coat. It's funny that others did, too!!
We sooo enjoyed your photos. Glad that camera (and all) finally made it! A wonderful trip!!

Erin said...

Loved all of your pics on Facebook. Looks like a fantastic trip. Brings back such nice memories of when Vic and I were there a few years back :)

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