Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Gasperini-Ville Census

The town folk here in Gasperini-Ville came through recently, conducting the yearly census and happened upon something... A very little something! :)

Please note our population has changed and will officially be +1 in early April of 2008!

Yes, the Gasperinis are having another baby!

I can't begin to express my joy at this news (the mama hormones are causing me to tear up as I type!) I will be 7 weeks on Friday and wasn't going to share until we were out of the first trimester, but anyone who knows me, knows I have a very difficult time keeping secrets! :) I'm just too honest, I guess. ;)

And whatever God's plan for this precious baby, I want you all praying through it with me... thick and thin. Right now your prayers for my overwhelming, all-day nausea would be awesome!

God bless and thank you for sharing in our joy...
(ps: we really found out about this little one the day before GG's amazing Army news. Can you imagine my relief the next day? Oh my goodness!!)


Armstrong's said...

Congratulations! That is so exciting, and I am so happy for you guys. I check your blog to keep T updated, and love seeing the pictures of your family! We are also expecting in April. I am 8 weeks along (yesterday), and share in your excitement, joy, sickness and anxiety of a new pregnancy. Prayers are with you, and hope you get through the "sick" days. Best wishes, and our little ones will be right around the same age!

Jessica said...

OH MY GOODNESS!!!!!! Congratulations!!!! I am so stinkin' excited for you guys!!! This is wonderful news. I'm calling Will right now...

sally said...

Yay! Yay! Yay! I can't believe you're on number 3 and we're just on number 1! Congrats and lots of hugs and love!

Rachel said...

Congratulations!! I can't wait for all of the pregnancy updates. The love that comes with just one is overwhelming. I can't even imagine what it must be like with three -- I'm sure your heart must constantly feel like its ready to burst!! Love and Hugs to you all!

scath88 said...

congrats b! i'm so excited and happy for you--that's amazing news! i'm looking forward to reading your updates.

p.s. have a great trip!

Lillian said...

Congratulations!!! How exciting!! Adding you to my prayer list of expecting mommas!

Anonymous said...

Congrats!We're so happy for you all. I love keeping up with your growing family on your blog. You're in our prayers


Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! I shared the news with Gary and his response, "Three??? When was their second born?? Three???" :) What a fantastic event for the Gasperinis!! Many blessings.


Leah said...

woohoo! You guys are so flippin inspiring! We're so thrilled for another Gasperini! can't wait to catch up, but until then you and the fam are in our prayers to be sure. I hope the morning sickness is very short-lived!

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