I am sitting here with GG watching a TV special of Terminator 2. It is a rather relaxing way to end what was a busy, boy-centered day. Having T home from preschool for the summer has spiced up our little at-home world. J, MG, and I are having a great time with T around with whom to do puzzles, play games, adventure outside, conquer swim lessons, and have an all-around happy, joy-filled morning. I feel really fortunate to have these three weeks with T home while M finishes up his school year. We are having a great time.
It's after days like these past ones that I don't mind if the house is messy and out of sorts because it means I've busied myself with the kids rather than menial housekeeping tasks. I can sit back on the couch tonight and rest up for the next day to come, complete with it's own adventures.
For your reading pleasure, here are some snippets passing through my brain at the moment:
*I love Chipotle--GG sent me there for dinner tonight via gift card. I ate half my bowl, went grocery shopping, then returned home and shared the remainder with GG. Each of us filled a salad plate with a quarter of the bowl's contents. I was equally *alarmed* at the quantity of food I could have easily downed in one sitting (good to break it up) and thrilled with the value of such a meal for $6. Sign me up.
*I'm so proud of one of my best friends from childhood,
Amy Seiffert, who was featured on CNN today. SO completely proud of the beautiful woman she is. She is my soul sister and loves the Lord so much. Can't believe God so graciously blessed me with the women He did at such a young age. I met one in preschool, another in kindergarten, the third in 1st, and Amy in the 3rd. The five of us stuck it out together through all the years. These girls are my heart and know me at my roots.
*We have a growing suspicion that J is color blind. It wasn't much of an issue until I recently realized he knows a lot of letters, but has spotty cognizance of colors. I think he has until age 4 to master them, so we'll see. One of Mimi's brothers has it, so it's possible it's in the genes! I'm not too worried. If colors are the greatest of our worries, life is Aok.
*MG is finally officially crawling according to textbook standards. She's been army crawling for months, but just last week put it all together to coordinate on all fours. She's also now moving up stairs and down (head first! down our set of three stairs) and traveling along furniture after pulling to a stand. I didn't walk as a baby until 15 mos., so I have low expectations for my kids!
*We capped another great weekend away in western VA this past weekend, which means it was two-in-a-row away for our crew. I will say we are looking forward to a "down" weekend next one, but we loved the chance to be in the mountains, swim, and catch a polo match Sunday afternoon to celebrate a friend's birthday. Good stuff. GG even managed to get hit with the polo "ball" within a few minutes of arriving! Thankfully all was fine, GG was uninjured, and he said the ball was actually pretty soft. What a tough man of mine! :)
*T-ball is done and mama is happy! We came and we conquered our tough spring schedule and M had a great time! Now it's going to be tough making him choose sports in seasons to come,,, all I know is that I'm enjoying having our gang home on Tuesday and Thursday evenings!
Alrighty, friends, T2 is now over and this mama is going to be getting to bed. Pictures to come tomorrow.
Thanks for hanging with my couch contemplations.
God bless you,