4 pre-team swim lessons for our T, who was trying to make the summer team, but couldn't finish a lap of the pool. No worries! He did his best and can keep trying all summer with the potential of competing in the last meet.
4 swim team practices for our M, who is making huge improvements on his freestyle, backstroke, and kicking. Wow! Gramz and Pappy swung by on Wed. and couldn't believe how much he has improved. He is a super zoomer and we're excited for our first meet on Sunday!
2 sweet girls who are always going along for the ride various places. MG always asks to put on her swim suit when the boys are getting lessons. Both are taking to the water slowly, but thankfully with fewer tears from baby G this week!
1 visit from my parents, who delighted with 4 gifts for the older 4-- 3 water blasters and one Minnie Mouse 3D set of bubbles. Can you guess who got what?
103F--baby G's temp today bringing about...
1 trip to the doc this morning. Doc thinks its a virus and thankfully her ears were clean! Can this child please stay well???
20 couples we will be "hosting" this weekend on an Engaged Encounter retreat
22 hours--the number of hours our awesome babysitter will be watching the kids while we're speaking. Mama will be heading back home each night to sleep with the kiddos.
1st swim meet on Sunday--M will be racing and I will be a strokes/turns judge! Let's see if I can remember all the rules... ;) Hopefully my many years of USS will come back to me. ;)
I can't wait to check in on Monday and tell you we made it.
These are the days, aren't they??

1 comment:
All I can say is PHEW! And, we will be praying for all at home and the retreat, as well!
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