Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Today's Checklist

*HVAC finish--check! We have third floor heat and air!
*Grocery store runs (2)--check, check!
*Backyard weeding--check!
*3rd floor bath caulking--check!
*Caulking in general--CHECK! (I have blisters from our caulk gun. So glad this is done!)
*Taping for trim paint--check!
*Ordering carpet and tile--check!

*whiny children--check, check, check!
*one exhausted mama who collapsed for an hour nap this afternoon--CHECK!
*one sweet little MG, who hangs with her mama through it all--itty bitty check!

And now, we're off to paint the bathroom and trim...
The electrician comes tomorrow to finish--can't wait to have lights and fans!!
God bless,


B-Mama said...

Yes, checking in with the rents--check! :)

Jenica, after some serious time caulking I've realized how EASY it is for anyone to do! All you need is a gun, the right caulk, a damp towel, and a smooth index finger. You are good to go!!

laura said...

wow - wanna come to our house and finish up our attic?! i swear, it's taken a month to get the final punch list finished. AND, i just found a paint footprint in the shower. UH! you're smart to have DIY-ed it!!

Lilypie First Birthday tickers