Saturday, March 31, 2007
The Appeal
We ask for your prayers for this second go 'round. Recent events have made us more hopeful for the appeal's potential success. How much we crave the exemption! We'd at least love for GG to have the chance to complete his internship this summer. The future implications of this happening are huge.
Like I said before, though, we are ready to face whatever God has in store for our future.
And might I add one more thing that I am already feeling so BLESSED in this circumstance. Tough times allow for people to open up, share what they love about one another, and reach out to offer support. I have already been floored by the outpouring of love we've felt. What an absolute BLESSING our dear friends and family are to us. Thank you for being who you are. Thank you for your prayers. Peace be with you.
Friday, March 30, 2007
Hope in Troubled Waters
"We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure." Hebrews 6:19
"On a recent tour of a docked freighter, I learned how a ship stays in one place on the water. A massive chain attached to a giant wheel led across the deck to an opening in the floor, through which we could see dimly in the darkness, the shadowy outline of an enormous anchor. I couldn't help but feel awed by the quiet giant. Aware of its weight, I felt tiny in comparison. I pictured the anchor being dropped into the water, racing downward until it hit the river bottom with a solid thud. With something so big, so imposing, holding it in place, surely the boat could not be moved.
Life bumps and shifts us. Sometimes the waters get agitated and storms come. We are shaken by doubt and jostled by despair, and sometimes we are frightened. But we have a sure anchor, the cross of Christ. The cross of Christ is heavy, solid and strong. Though we are bumped about, we cannot be moved. The promise of eternal salvation through Christ, firmly attached to us by grace through the work of the Holy Spirit, holds us in place, keeping us steadfast and faithful, anchoring us securely to the heart of God."
Chin Up
The news came in the form of a phone call yesterday. GG was able to reach the Staff Seargent from school. She gave him brief details and said the orders will be sent through the mail. Papa G has already FedExed documents for us to submit an appeal. We're not sure of the time window necessary to file the appeal, but will do it as soon as possible. They have 60 days to respond to the appeal, though GG and I agree they'll probably be sure to return it just in time for him to report on June 3rd!
Right now our plans include heading to our summer destination as planned (possibly after moving out of our house here), GG possibly spending 2 weeks at his firm internship (though he's going to petition the Army for 2 more months so that he can complete the entire time), and the boys and I enjoying time with family there and attempting to be with GG during training as much as possible. After GG deploys, the boys and I will take up residence with both sets of grandparents , spending QT with amazing, loving, wonderful family and friends.
Hear my prayer, O Lord. From the ends of the earthy I cry.
Your peace will lead me through, the Rock that is higher than I.
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Living on a Prayer
Let us think of you often and of Our Lady with you.
Let us think of others often, with love and gratitude.
Let us take this day as coming from you
to give it back to you with your will complete.
Dear Lord, let us be kind,
let us never feel discouraged,
or feel sorry for ourselves
because you stand beside us everyday. Amen.
The G Family has been reciting this prayer for at least three generations. Today it served as such a meditative blessing to me as GG and I digested news from the Army that they've denied his request for an exemption from service. His report date is now June 3rd. We still have an appeal left in the process, but are setting our minds on GG's service and likely deployment. Thank you for your prayers for our strength. We are committed to facing the future as positively as possible. God bless.
A Quick Request
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Grinning Dinner Shorts
*In the past few months, M's answer to every yes/no question has been "No" even if he wishes to answer in the affirmative. Just the other day, however, he began articulating "Yes", clearly and decidedly, which has been a welcomed change. All this said, yesterday we spent time on campus with our friend, Shannon. Shannon was holding M (while mom parked the car) when the little fella ripped a loud one (sorry Mom). Shannon laughed and asked, "M, did you toot?" expecting little in response. Surprisingly, M turned to her and answered an emphatic, "Yes!" Shannon lost herself in laughter. I guess it's time to teach the little guy about averting flatulent blame! ha ha
*Little T was sitting in his feeding chair the other day and reached out to grab the window blinds. Seeing this as an opportunity to introduce right/wrong, I said, "No T, the blinds are not for you." Soon after, M came over and with finger out said, "No, no, timeout" to the baby. I just laughed and laughed while trying to explain that little T is still too young for time in the corner. Thank goodness I have M here to regulate in the future.
With Gusto
We have one volume in G-Ville these days--LOUD. And after spending several days with the extended G clan last winter in Maine, I understand the roots behind my son's enthusiasm. I look forward to the day when he learns to use volume as a means of adding gusto (like his great-uncles and papa), NOT for every single word.
I love being a part of this family. :)
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
One of those toddler days.
M is showing his true toddler colors with emotional outbursts left and right. I am at my wits end...
Alas, I just found refuge in some sage web wisdom and landed on an article about surviving toddler tantrums. The author addresses some key points, highlighting the causes and effects of tantrums and how parents should appropriately deal with them. According to one of the docs quoted in article, "...(toddlers) want to do things like put on their clothes or feed themselves and they become frustrated with their limitations and the inability to communicate." YES! That's it! Today M's outbursts have been directly related to his frustration with toys. In response, he screams, cries, yells, and often throws the toy across the room. Not okay behavior.
One recommendation to handle such frustration is to "feed the meter" with pockets of time "fed" to the child by the parent to encourage appropriate play and communication. I am so guilty of depriving the little guy of one-on-one time. There is so much to do within the day on top of caring for another little life (baby T), I often find myself letting M off to do his own thing. He plays independently so well (or at least used to), I've become reliant on his self-entertainment. I guess it's time for this mama to sit down and play. What a good lesson for me to hear. My husband has a sixth sense for these things--just yesterday M was having the same trouble and GG sensed he need some extra TLC. After GG stopped, sat down, and engaged M, lo and behold, the tantrums stopped. This is one time when I will say my hubby knows best. Great work, honey. :)
"There are days when you'll be the perfect parent and days where parenthood is more a matter of survival. When those difficult days come, remember that parenting is a learning process for both you and your toddler." I will cling to this quote for my remaining 6 hours, 15 minutes, and 34 seconds. Today is not one of my proudest as a mama, but the bottom line is that I love my boys, love my job being their mom, and love the Lord. Those things should matter for something. God bless.
Monday, March 26, 2007
Holy Quads!
For Security's Sake
Saturday, March 24, 2007
'God Doesn't Make Junk'
I was reminded of this story yesterday during our women's Bible study, comprised of friends and mothers from the law school community. We studied the wedding at Cana from John 2 and reveled in Christ's first miracle, performed at the request of his mother. Not only did he turn water into wine, but created wine of the utmost quality. The steward in the passage questioned why the good wine hadn't been served first. God doesn't make junk. When He does His work, He does it well.
And that leads me to my precious creations, M and T. Boy did God do good work in them, if I do say so myself! They are my heart and soul. Both boys have been a bit under the weather with colds and fevers the past couple of days. Poor things. I ache watching them suffer... Alas, we are turning a corner and seeing the light at the end of the sickness tunnel. M is in verbal bliss these days, adding to his growing vocabulary. Just yesterday I turned around in the car to see him playing "Where is Thumbkin?" with his tiny little fingers along with Toddler Tunes (which is always playing) . He was saying "tall girl" as he shook his middle fingers at one another (and NOT at mom, thank goodness!) So cute. He also ventured onto the potty for the second time just to sit and have a great time being a "big boy".
And onto T... what a sweet baby. He got his first tooth (lower left) last Wednesday, March 14th and has continued to gnaw his way into this week. Dad spotted it's partner ready to make its appearance very soon... Dad and T spent some QT together yesterday morning because Mom woke up with the boys' cold. 6:30am is just too early for me, esp. with aching sinuses! GG reports that T caught up on his Federal Taxation reading and browsed a few additional books. T is really into paper these days and can't keep his busy hands off of anything. He's also sitting up with ease, despite the occasional topple. Most exciting has been his recent babble--"mamamama". Melts my heart!
So that's life on this foggy Saturday in G-Ville. Tomorrow I run the Holy Half-Marathon on campus. I will write with reports! Stay blessed.
Thursday, March 22, 2007
So This Is Blogging
So here we are, the G Family. GG and I met and fell in love at Princeton, graduated in 2001, and were married May 11, 2002. Soon after marriage we moved to Colorado Springs for GG's first (and only) duty assignment at Fort Carson and spent three very happy years there (one apart due to Army deployment--GG was in Iraq while I pursued my Masters in Teaching at Colorado College and began teaching in the area). Upon his return from Iraq, we soon found out we were expecting our first bundle of absolute joy. MWG arrived a month early (due to inducement bc mom's bp was skyrocketing!) on Feb. 5, 2005. That July the G clan relocated so GG could begin law school. Since then, we've added one more to our brood. TWG was born this past August 16th and has only enriched our lives further!!
We feel God's grace around every corner and give credit to our Creator for all the good things in our life. In fact, it was His Providence which brought us together back at Princeton (we met at an athlete Bible study) and has seen us through the ups and downs of our day-to-day. Just recently we've been dealing with the news that GG has been recalled from the IRR (Individual Ready Reserve), a list of former military members from which the Army can recall for duty up to four years from their dates of retirement! WOW! The news was really tough at first, imagining GG gone and most likely deployed while in the middle of law school; leaving our family and our young boys. I was surely heartbroken... God has been our Rock and Provider, however, offering hope in the midst of despair. We have since submitted a request for a delay/exemption while GG finishes school and nurses a bad shoulder. Whatever the outcome, we know we have the Lord of the Universe guiding our lives and helping us through all circumstances!
Alas, here I am blogging about it all... Can't believe it's finally happening. I must think of a better title. Any suggestions? In the meantime, stay blessed and enjoy reading about life in G-Ville. I'll do my best to post our regular goings-on for all to digest. Keep shining,