We finally made it! |
On our way at o' dark thirty for day #1. Chef Mickey's, here we come! |
A delicious meal was had by all… MG did great seeing all the characters. V was only truly afraid of Goofy. T amused us by returning from the amazing buffet line with a dry plain bagel on his plate. Oy vey, that child! |
Magic Kingdom, Day 1 |
So excited to ride Space Mountain (we did it 3 times that day!) |
Papa was an excellent babysitter--how sweet is this? |
GG and I had the chance to take the bigs back that night. Queen B and her Prince came with us!! |
One of my fave shots from the trip--bravo, GG! Day #2: Epcot |
Waiting for our princess lunch at Akershus Hall |
Can you sense her excitement? |
Thank goodness one of our little princesses agreed to wear her dress. ;) |
Animal Kingdom on Day #3 was the coolest! We also celebrated M's 9th b-day that day! |
M and I loved identifying bird species on a nature trail at AK. How fun it is to share nerdy times with one's children. |
By Day 4: Hollywood Studios, we were getting bushed! |
We hung in there and gave it our best shot! |
The Star Tours ride was a family favorite. Sadly, our Jedi training was rained out. :( |
Who's sweet and happy kids are these? Still smiling after 4 straight days of Disney! |
Mama and Queen B were given the royal treatment later that night. It was a birthday gift from my clan--awesomeness and so fun to do with QB! |
What an overwhelming, awe-inspiring, exhausting, exhilarating week. GG described it to a friend perfectly--"it was the most fun form of masochism devised by man." Lol. ;)
We rocked. We rolled. We got a little bruised. But boy did we have fun doing it. Wow! As the boys and I looked through an old Disney pamphlet the other day, we were in agreement how much we missed the place. I can't believe it, but I can't wait to go back...
Cheers to the most wonderful, fly-by-the-seat Mimi and Papa ever. We had so much fun with you, making memories. And now it's back to real life, including snow days and more missed school. Oops!! Oh well, it was worth it!