Good Wednesday, dear ones. How are you mid-week?
I wish I could report a brilliant start to our week... but it hasn't been. It SO hasn't been and that is why I haven't been on here for a few days. Sometimes life is like that, isn't it?--so we are trudging through. The two boys above are home today, both on antibiotics. T is enduring a third round of strep in a month. We're on a third antibiotic and praying this is the end to a horrible string of illness! I have a call in to the ENT and we are going to get on the books for a surgical consult for getting his tonsils out. It's time.
J, on the other hand, developed an unusual bump on his rump Friday that sent all of us reeling. To make a long story short, the little guy has an "abscess" (hate that word!) rather than a pilonidal cyst they originally thought present. Yikes! We are just grateful no surgical intervention was needed and we're allowing nature to take it's course. Which has translated to--lots of soaking and cleaning and now... draining. Yuck. I'll leave it at that.
To top things off, we were locked out of the house yesterday with the baby asleep inside! Our garage door keypad went caput after I closed it as we ventured outside. It. would. not. open. Ugh!! Thankfully, my neighbor, C, came to the rescue, offering us a place to stay warm while we explored our options. A locksmith ended up rescuing us about an hour and a half later. Lovely. I've never been happier to walk into our warm, inviting house. It was luxurious. And our little lady slept all the way through--I was able to monitor her through the back door window that allowed me to see the monitor in the kitchen! She had a great nap and was none-the-wiser upon waking up minutes after we arrived home. Thank you, Lord! It was clearly just "one of those days".
This, of course, is all following a really great trip we had to DC on Saturday. We went to the Air and Space Museum out by Dulles and the boys got to see a real space shuttle!! Totally cool. We are planning a trip down to FL to see my parents in April, coinciding with NASA's (potentially) last shuttle launch. For the boys to see the shuttle up close now was great preparation for the launch! Not to mention they are completely space crazy at the moment, so this was a cool way to feed their interests.

Outside the museum on a very very windy day!

Daddy and his space rangers

Mom's turn!
Afterward, we went to the home of dear, dear friends of ours from ND law days. We haven't seen them in ages and it was a delightful afternoon spent catching up and the kids playing. Our boys had a ball playing with their sweet, sweet children. We had such a good time, we ended up sticking around for dinner and heading home past bedtime. We cherish their friendship! Thanks B family! What joy to see you!!

Dads and babies, MG (~8 mos) and D (~6 mos)
So that's that from the land of G-ville.
We are here, thanks be to God, ever mindful of praising Him through the highs and the lows. Hope this finds you well.
God bless,